
About Us


1.Established formally in 1948, handled official business in one room of local police station of East.

2.Moved to East District Office to handle official business from the local police station of East in 1951.

3.Offer the land by local Mr. Lee Huo-Lu, in 1953 as the building ground of the health center, signed the leasing contract with Mr. Lee by Changhua mayor Du Xi-Gui at that time represented Changhua City Office, the agreement booked with Mr. Lee the rental period from June 1, 1953 to December 31, 1962, the rent would be NT$62 annually, pay in two stages, replenish owners cost of the price of land; Because the owner Mr. Lee passes away, have disputes to transfer ownership in land ownership, was mediated by the mediation committees of Changhua City in 1992, make agreement of leasing again, the rent would be NT$ 191880 annually, till June 30, 2001.

4.The health station was under the jurisdiction of the Health Yuan of Changhua County from the same year to 1961.

5. Changed to be under the jurisdiction of Changhua City District Office July, 1962.

6.Changed to be under the jurisdiction of the Health Yuan of Changhua County again in August, 1974.

7.Helped to establish the Hygiene Promoted Committee of Changhua City in August, 1993.

8.Joined National Health Insurance clinic medical treatment from March, 1995.

9.Handled government personnel retire compensation funds from July, 1995.

10.Ran the administrative business computerization of information system of health station in July, 1995.

11.The voluntary labor team was established in December, 1995.

12.Ran the clinic medical treatment and health care business computerization in March, 1996.

13.Ran community's hygiene and assess work in July, 1997.

14.Began to implement the medicine assigning on April 20, 1998, our institute wrote out prescription since September, 1998.


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